Stale Smelling Stuff

Monday, December 10, 2007

These are the happiest holidays?

Amy, Jeffrey and I wrote these last night around 1:00am. We've since distributed them out as holiday gifts.

Last Fall Cantos

As told by: Gregory Bem, Jeffrey Brennan, and Amy Falcone

Originally written in the early hours of December 10, 2007

Fragrant supple banter is draining bereaved

apocalyptic nutrition, spasmodic music

tries and trickles to the holistically condemned.


Swizzle like impossible chairs

Flabbergasted in a rain, slowly

Stringy on the hands of earthworms


Denim cluster abound the thing, a skyward

Mechanism prowling distances,

Lucid in such freedom.


Saucer eyes howl innumerably

Buoyant and fallow dips the gentry

Cracking heels ooze


Grapples with the wheel, and skin-leather snow while the

Armature widens as the light enters and gravel drags...

Propagandization! booming to a close


The precipice looms while bauble guards these

retentively brandished pork forms, who follow

sustenance in wake of patient passages.


Panama heaves from behind gripped fingers

Porridge tastes foul and rots, congealing wounds

Bamboozled by propriety, now elongate former woe


Phalanges thumbing dully dense

Novelettes trickling

Botanical symbols streaked in single file prose


Brazen, fingertips streak the strange pose hole,

eradicating us from our token tombs;

we, the buttons, evicted from those pockets.


Schematic filtration system slightly marred

Cardboard up windows with frail tin panes

Basket maker and bowmen contemplate musings


Fornicating, shivering, stalling

Damselian mason's wife, all floured, enamored--

Juxtaposed with purgatory


Mezzanine coaxed to crumble

Congeal serrated fingertips and divide

Suspension on tight lines, cuts flesh into bone


Ah! --! Those catacombs rot beneath

all these melodic and transformitory floorbeams--

some volume we find ourselves above.


Pontificate trumpets and buff the maze

Hans Castoprian routine dweller and the coughing

"Envoy: a great messenger of our time, you might say"


Cantalopean mounds of fickle hash

Skulk and stalk your dripping filth, dropping ash and thimble

Taiga fauna, spherical visage holding silent vigil aglow


Until the terminal quake bullies its last laugh and

drowsy, a visceral crowd pours forth that same response--

lumber prepared through the fatalist blaze dying dim.